目前分類:關於Vemma (15)

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暨財富第五波之後的巨作 "財富第六波" 沒想到已經提到 VEMMA 了!!!有心進入中國市場的夥伴必讀

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2010 Favorite Network Marketing Companies

Notice to all those who have voted more than once, or voted for closed or
nonexistant companies: All of your votes have been deleted.
Please follow the rules.


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NBA夏洛特山貓 - 北卡羅萊納州(Vemma Support)



B.K 把整場的廣告都包下來了!! 看到超傻眼的~不過也很佩服他呢!!

全場vemma 魅力放送!!! 那感覺超讚的啦!!



在 VEMMA 真的沒有失敗的問題,只有時間以及你是不是真的 "全心投入" 唷~


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1.阿魯巴    澳大利亞      奧地利    比利時   波斯尼亞   保加利亞     加拿大  克羅地亞     塞浦路斯

捷克共和國    丹麥    愛沙尼亞    埃塞俄比亞   芬蘭    法國     德國   加納     希臘    匈牙利

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[消息來源:  http://vemmamag.com/expansion.asp ]

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傳統的銷售過程是商品離開製造工廠後,通常經由層層的中間商,諸如:出口商、進口商、大盤、中盤、小盤及零售店舖,最後才到達消費者的手中,而層層的管銷費用,皆轉嫁 到消費者的身上。


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百萬的馬來幣幣別單位, 就是10倍的台幣 = 千萬富豪

VEMMA 於2006年登陸馬來西亞短短3年多已造就千萬富豪

各位夥伴 VEMMA 台灣及其他華人地區簡繁體中文化2010年1月才剛開始各位正處起飛期


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^^沒 錯..他答對了..那是VEMMA..

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我決定把我的答案發表在此部落格里。首先, 我要解釋什麼是 VemmaVemmabuilder


Vemmabuilder是一個革命性的自動化居家網路創業系統,它利用互聯網的力量來幫助您創業。如果沒有Vemmabuilder系統,您將以 非常,非常的古老的方法,例如: 你會在咖啡店或陌生人的家裡,解說直銷如何可以成功致富,獨自在家發送信件和電子郵件。以這種古老的方式來建立您的直銷事業,  想要實現您財務自由的夢想,進展將非常的緩慢。

如果您已經是Vemma會員, 請至www.vemmabuilder.com/turbocharge 輸入您的Vemma編號(9位數字),然後點擊『啟用』按鈕。您將進入付款頁面。只須用信用卡支付USD19.95的月費。一旦付款核准,您的 Vemmabuilder系統已經準備就緒。現在,您可以用您的Vemma編號和密碼登入您的Vemmabuilder後台管理頁面。同時,您將獲得一個 個人的Vemmabuilder網頁作為您的創業網站。

如果您不是Vemma會員, 您可以免費試用Vemmabuilder系統90天。前往任何Vemma會員的Vemmabuilder創業網站,填寫表格,然後點擊『免費註冊』就可以了。您將得到一個7位數的臨時用戶編號和密碼以登入到您的Vemmabuilder後台管理頁面。同時,您將獲得一個個人的Vemmabuilder網頁作為您的創業網站。臨時會員(Pre-enrollee)不會得到佣金和紅利。

如果您準備要升級為Vemma會員,只需點擊標籤菜單欄中的『開始』!接著跟隨升級的指示。在完成升級過程後, 您將在約一,兩天內收到您的9位數字Vemma編號。

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美商VEMMA全球各地分公司 電話.地址 資訊

Vemma Nutrition Company

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
View the map

Vemma Store North

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
View the map
Store Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am to 6 pm

Vemma Store South

1920 East Broadway

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Vemma®是一家家庭式運作並且採取家庭價值觀的公司,由 New Vision® 的創建者創建;母公司是一家擁有 10 年歷史的衛生健康行業卓越的領先企業,具有超過 10 億的零售總額和超過 100 萬的滿意客戶。 New Vision 是一家經營穩健、信譽良好的公司,在網路行銷行業擁有極高聲譽。總部設在亞利桑那州的 Scottsdale。公司還在亞利桑那州的 Tempe 設立了效率極高的分銷中心和經許可的藥物液體生產工廠。在這一行業中,第一年失敗的新公司超過 90%,五年內超過 98%。而今天,New Vision 正在慶祝成功盈利十周年。給人印象更深的是,New Vision 已經為成員支付了 4 億美元的傭金,並且從未延誤過版稅支票的支付或承諾。

BK Boreyko 和他的姐妹 Karen 與 Lauren 共同擁有 New Vision 和 Vemma。做為成功的網路行銷商 Ben 和 Dottie Boreyko 的子女,毫無疑問,公司的創建者們就在這個行業長大。BK 七歲時就開始在父母的安麗業務中幫忙。18 歲時,他自己的安麗經銷公司就達到了 PS Direct 級別。BK 和他的家人繼續打拼,成為 Matol Botanical 的收入最高的分銷商,月收入最高時超過了 35 萬美元。30 歲剛出頭,他就和家人一起成立了一家下一代網路行銷公司—並命名為 New Vision。帶著母親給他們的力量和勇氣(他們的母親去年因癌症去世),他們的使命非常簡單:從身體上和財務上提高家庭生活的品質。幾個月之內,《成功雜誌》就宣傳了新公司以移動現場指導的“火箭船”式動力所取得的空前進步。之後不久,由於公司的多項創新和突出貢獻,BK 獲得了亞利桑那州享有盛譽的 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur 年度獎。

在美國、加拿大、日本、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、澳大利亞和新西蘭,New Vision 提高了無數人的生活品質。 這種令人尊敬的穩定性帶給團隊成員(現場指導員)、團隊參賽者(總部職員)和顧客以心靈的平靜,他們深深瞭解,今天在時間、精力和財力上的投資都會在明天得到回報。

總結過去 10 年的經驗教訓之後,我們把我們的收穫投資於今後乃至更遠的未來,因此創立了 Vemma 公司。現在擺在您面前的就是創造富有和快樂生活的機會,並有成功的行業動力資源為您提供安全保障,同時還帶來所有人都渴望的自由和彈性。

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"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now." -- Napoleon Hill

Watch Your Business Explode!

In fact, the VemmaBuilder™ System is all you need to start your very own business immediately.  My name is CHUNG PO KAI, and I am your Success Coach and Enroller.  I strongly urge you to join me and our dynamic team of marketing gurus, so that you can begin to earn a steady stream of income right away.

When you join VemmaBuilder™, Shengwen Wang, you will take the controls of a technical marvel.  VemmaBuilder™'s state-of-the-art online business building system is endorsed by top Internet marketing experts and leading, home-based business entrepreneurs the world over.  The VemmaBuilder™ System is based on the same thoroughbred automated System that has made itself the premiere business-building tool on the Internet.  This is a System so innovative and unique that a Patent is pending on it.  Now this amazing System has been put to work for VEMMA™ and YOU.

Shengwen Wang, you don't have to build a website, ship product, or set up a merchant account.  You can earn even before you learn.  VemmaBuilder™ is that easy.  No experience is necessary.  Just point and click, and let our superb, innovative, patent-pending technology do the rest!

You don't need to find a product to sell - we've made arrangements with New Vision International® to sell its fantastic VEMMA™ Nutrition Program.  New Vision® is a successful 10-year old Health and Wellness company.  New Vision's VEMMA™ Nutrition Program, featuring the amazing health properties of Mangosteen, is fast becoming the Holy Grail of the Health and Wellness industry.

If you have been in network marketing before, Shengwen Wang, you will appreciate this: No more cold calls (unless you really love them), evening and weekend meetings and presentations, and approaching total strangers.  Meet the future of network marketing.  Meet VemmaBuilder™!

Seen the paper lately?  The economic headlines are scary.  Unemployment is up.  Household income is down.  All over the globe, millions of people are searching for financial security, a dignified retirement, and the pleasures an enhanced part-time or full-time income can bring them.  Traditional roads to wealth have collapsed.  People are looking for a new way to prosper.  People are looking for VemmaBuilder™.

All you have to do to make money, Shengwen Wang, is invite people to explore this website, which already has your name on it!


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This exclusive Members-only site is your virtual Success Assistant, Shengwen Wang.  Don't be a stranger here.  Frequent visits can boost your business to new heights.

That's because we've packed your Success Assistant with a wealth of invaluable advice and strategic resources custom-tailored to give you an online competitive edge that's second to none in the industry.

Your Success Assistant will give you everything you need to build a successful and profitable home-based business.

  • Learn the success secrets of our million-dollar earners!
  • Discover how to turbocharge your business with pre-qualified prospects!
  • View the schedule of live conference calls that provide you with overviews of the VemmaBuilder opportunity, advanced training, and marketing advice from renowned industry leaders, who will share key insights and top moneymaking secrets!
  • Manage your business and communicate with your entire organization at the click of a mouse.
  • Obtain real-time reports on your growing business!

And much, much more!

If you have any questions, your Success Assistant can probably answer them.  We recommend you take the time to explore each page and menu selection.  If you can't find answers to your questions here, talk to or email your Enroller or a top upline leader.

If an issue arises that needs immediate attention, please contact us.  Just remember that we handle each email personally.  Sometimes it can take up to 72 hours for us to give you the individual attention you deserve.

Before you leave, let us thank you for joining VemmaBuilder™.  We are confident you will be an active part of our fast-growing team.  We are eager to work with you to help you achieve your dreams and goals!

Remember, success is just a double click away!

All the Best,

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